Santorini, people getting off the boats, Greece, 1900, Verascope

1900 - Verascope

People walking out of Parthenon, Greece, 1900

1900 - Personal

People outside the Acropolis entrance, Greece, 1900

1900 - Personal

People inside the Thision temple, Greece, 1900

1900 - Personal

Panathinaiko stadium and people, 1912, Greece

1912 - Personal

Old theatre, Greece, 1900

1900 - Personal

Old theatre under Acropolis, Greece, 1900

1900 - Personal

Nike temple from close view, Greece, 1900

1900 - Personal

Nike tempe and ruins view, Greece, 1900

1900 - Personal

Natrional Museum, Themis Goddess of Justice, Athens, Greece, 1905 Griffith

1905 - Griffith

National Museum, Young Pluto, Athens, Greece, 1905 Griffith

1905 - Griffith

National Museum, Greek Busts, Athens, Greece, 1905 Griffith

1905 - Griffith